Di Pondok Minggu Kedua

>> Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Alhamdulillah sudah lebih baik dibanding saat kakak dijemput diminggu pertama.
Tidak terlalu cemberut, tapi tetep bilang ngga suka.

Sorenya saat akan diantar balik ke pondok,  kakak demam sampai 38.8 derajat. Akhirnya setelah dapat ijin via telp dari ustadzah bagian kesantrian, Ayah Bunda memutuskan untuk tidak mengantar kakak balik ke pondok; biarlah kakak dirawat dulu di rumah dan ketemu dokter besok paginya.

Bunda sih antara sedih karena kakak sakit dan senang karena bisa ngelonin =P

Kakak is still dealing with homesickness, makin melow karena lagi sakit pula...

Completely understand kak... it's HARD to adjust to living away from home. Bunda tau kok, how it feels moving to a new environment with new people. Because I experienced it when I was 6 years older than you right now.

Bunda mah sok tegar, sok kasih wejangan-wejangan padahal dalam hati juga sedih.
Dengerin uneg-uneg si kakak sambil peluk & elus-elus, sabar ya nak, sabar...

Push yourself out of your comfort zone nak, this is where the learning is...
Insyaa Allah it will make you stronger...
See, even now you start to realize that you can do things on your own, alhamdulillah.
Most importantly, you learn to take charge of your emotions.
So be strong kak!


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